
Posts by Jacob


RELEASE: LA County Supervisor Hilda Solis Endorses Gil Cisneros for CA-31

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 29, 2023 Contact: [email protected]  LA County Supervisor Hilda Solis Endorses Gil Cisneros for CA-31 Former U.S. Secretary of Labor, Congressmember, and Current Supervisor Backs Cisneros Covina, CA – Today, former Los Angeles County Congressman and Under Secretary of Defense Gil Cisneros, who is running for the open Congressional seat in California’s […]



VIDEO: Gil Cisneros Releases Television Ad “Ticket”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 22, 2023 Contact: [email protected]  VIDEO: Gil Cisneros Releases Television Ad “Ticket” Commercial Showcases Cisneros’ Work Creating Educational Foundation To Help Students & Veterans, and His Record Of Standing Up To Special Interests Covina, CA – Today, Veterans and Education Advocate, former Under Secretary of Defense, and Los Angeles County Congress Member […]



RELEASE: Former Covina Mayor Jorge Marquez Endorse Gil Cisneros

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 20, 2023 Contact: [email protected]  Former Covina Mayor Jorge Marquez Gil Cisneros Cisneros Continues to Consolidate Local Support In CA-31 Covina, CA – Today, former Los Angeles County Congressman and Under Secretary of Defense Gil Cisneros, who is running for the open Congressional seat in California’s 31st District, announced the endorsement of […]



VIDEO: Gil Cisneros Releases First CA-31 Campaign Ad Featuring Scholarship Students

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 16, 2023 Contact: [email protected]  VIDEO: Gil Cisneros Releases First CA-31 Campaign Ad Featuring Scholarship Students Scholarship Recipients Share How The Gilbert & Jacki Cisneros Foundation Transformed Their Lives “Growing Up In San Dimas, Gil and Jacki’s Scholarship was a tremendous opportunity I was given” – Isaac Reynoso, San Dimas High School […]



California Environmental Voters Endorses Gil Cisneros for Congress

For Immediate Release: October 13, 2023 Contact: [email protected] California Environmental Voters Endorses Gil Cisneros for Congress Former Los Angeles County Congressmember Cisneros Has Been A Champion For Environmental Protection Covina, CA – Today, the California Environmental Voters endorsed Gil Cisneros in his campaign for California’s 31st Congressional District. Cisneros was recently the Under Secretary of […]



SEIU California Endorses Gil Cisneros for Congress

For Immediate Release: October 13, 2023 Contact: [email protected] SEIU California Endorses Gil Cisneros for Congress Largest Union in California Says Former Los Angeles County Congressmember Cisneros Is A Proven Champion of Working People Covina, CA – The Gil Cisneros for Congress campaign is proud to announce it earned the endorsement of SEIU California. Representing over […]



Los demócratas empujan nuevos cuadros latinos al Congreso con un líder de experiencia y un joven político con respaldo de BOLD PAC

Como parte de su estrategia para reforzar el Congreso con nuevos cuadros, pero con líderes conocidos o en ascenso, BOLD PAC, el brazo electoral Caucus Hispano del Congreso, respalda a Gil Cisneros en (California) para el Distrito 31 y a Joe Vogel (Maryland) para el Distrito 06. Mientras Cisneros es un veterano, activista y exmiembro del […]


Up Next

RELEASE: Representative Judy Chu Gil Cisneros for CA-31

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